Important Notice

The Governor of California and the Imperial County Health Department issued a stay at home order in March of 2020. It so followed that the Seeley County Water District Board of Directors declared a state of emergency the same month.
At its special meeting of March 30, 2020, the Board voted to waive late fees for overdue SCWD water and sewer bills due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
At its Board of Directors' regular meeting of September 13, 2020, the Board voted to extend waiver for overdue SCWD water and sewer bills due to the pandemic.
Accounts not paid in full by the due date are usually assessed a 10% late fee and disconnection of service. Due to the severe economic hardships on residents as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, most utility providers are relaxing billing policies for past due accounts.
Even during this time, Seeley County Water District encourages timely bill payments that are due to be paid by the 20th of each month.
Seeley County Water District is asking customers to continue to make their payments through the mail, in the deposit drop box, and online at . We know these are trying times for some of our customers, that’s why Seeley County Water District will not assess a late fee until further notice.
If you should have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Seeley County Water District at (760) 352-6612.