Current RFP
"Notice is hereby given that on Thursday, May 18, 2023, at 3:30 PM at 1898 W Main Street, Seeley CA, Seeley County Water District will receive and open sealed bids for the 2023 Procurement and Installation of Fitness Equipment and Amenities Project, RFP No. 2023-04 (1). Sealed bids shall be hand delivered to the Main Administrative Office doors before 3:30 PM prior to or by May 18, 2023.
The work generally consists of, but is not limited to, the furnishing and installation of one (1) outdoor fitness package with 5 pieces of fitness equipment with reinforced concrete pads, header and decomposed granite in the fitness area. Furnishing and installation of five (5) pet waste stations, six (6) benches reinforced with concrete. And finally, to the shade structure over the playground this will require a deferred submittal and approval to the Imperial County Building and Planning Department."