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Announcement! Exciting Changes are Coming to the Community of Seeley

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Dear Customer,
Over the next few weeks, Seeley County Water District operators will begin transitioning from mechanical read meters, to an advanced metering infrastructure system, where meters are read with the latest ultrasonic technology.
What is one of the benefits? It is a solution to save you money, by detecting water leaks that may otherwise go unnoticed.   
What to expect as we change out the meters? While we transition, our water system would not need to be shut down and our water lines would not need to be altered.  This means you will experience minimal to no water service interruptions.
How was the AMI system made possible? The entire project was funded by Proposition 1 2016 IRWM The Disadvantaged Community (DAC) Involvement Program led by the Imperial County (IRWM) Integrated Regional Water Management Coordinators,  Esperanza Colio Warren, and David Hernandez.  The District was allocated $206,800 in grant funding specifically for the metering project.
Finally, transitions are challenging to both our customers and staff alike.  We once again ask for your patience while we interface the new AMI meter system technology to our current billing program.

Announcement LetterAMI Flyer PDF